
Mental Health UK responds to the Autumn Statement

22nd November 2023

The Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, set out the Government’s Autumn Statement on Wednesday 22 November, outlining changes to the support people receive through the benefits system and their plans to get more people into employment.

Max Whitlock OBE appointed as Mental Health UK Ambassador

21st November 2023

Great Britain’s most decorated gymnast takes up an ambassadorial role to inspire more people to talk about their mental health.

Bullying at any age can leave deep emotional scars

14th November 2023

When we hear the term ‘bullying’ we might initially think of children or young people. Bullying can affect anyone at any age, and bullying in adolescence can continue to affect someone into adulthood. We hear from Alexander about his experience with bullying.

Christmas is the hardest time of year

13th November 2023

Tara is one of many who struggle with their mental health during Christmas. For Tara, she feels lonely and isolated during the festive season due to society’s expectations that she should enjoy herself and be happy, despite everything she has been through.

How Dune London are making mental health a priority in their workplace

25th October 2023

Dune London has been a valued partner of Mental Health UK since 2022. Since our partnership, the organisation has made strives to promote better wellbeing across their organisation, from their offices to their shop floors. Dune tells exactly what steps they’ve been taking to ensure good mental health is a priority.

“I found it liberating to talk about my mental health with others.” – Keith’s experience at men’s ‘walk and talk’ group

12th October 2023

Men are statistically less likely to talk about mental health. Initiatives such as Bank of America’s ‘walk and talk’ group are aiming to change this. We caught up with a colleague from the bank, Keith, about his experience participating in a recent walk, and how this has positively impacted his wellbeing and supported him to open up more.

Cult Beauty enable better mental health support for people in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities

11th October 2023

Our partner Cult Beauty has been supporting our charity for over a year now, and we caught up with them this Black History Month to hear more about the difference they’ve made so far, their interest in supporting people from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic communities and what they hope to achieve in the future together in partnership.

How RAAC school closures are adding to the mental health crisis in modern-day Britain

11th October 2023

Like many parents, I was looking forward to my children returning to school after the long summer holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and love spending time with them. However, for the optimum balance of a happy home environment and my ability to do my job, a return to school was the order of the day. My kids too needed to get back into the daily schedule school brings; the social engagement of seeing all their friends again is a hugely positive thing and obviously they need to learn.

OCD, Motherhood and Recovery: Shakira’s story

10th October 2023

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a condition where someone experiences obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours, making it challenging to go about daily life. Our ambassador Shakira Akabusi tells us how her earliest compulsions began at the age of four but manifested into something more serious during her first pregnancy. Today, Shakira no longer experiences compulsions. In this blog, she explains how therapy was the turning point in her journey.

Your donation will make the difference

Just £10 could allow 25 people to access the Mental Health & Money Advice website to help them improve their financial and mental health.

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