Make an impact

Support us by donating today and we’ll be there for those struggling to cope.

Choose how you'd like to donate:

£5 could help keep Clic online, providing a safe online space for people to support each other with their mental health.

£10 could help us to moderate Clic, ensuring that people have a safe and welcoming space to talk about their mental health

£30 could help us promote an online support group on Clic, connecting people who may be feeling isolated or experiencing a mental health crisis.

Choose the amount you’d like to give. No matter how small your donation will help us bring life-changing support to people who need it.

£5 a month could provide seeds and equipment for our gardening projects across Wales

£7 a month could help a specialist advisor offer tailored advice, information and support to someone for their mental health and money problems

How much would you like to donate monthly?

Your support will have an impact on people's lives

“Clic is a safe place to share feelings, and it’s useful to get other people’s advice and experiences.”

– Terrance, Cardiff

What your money can do

As well helping us to run Clic, our online support community, your money could be put to use in so many life-changing ways

Improving access to support groups across the UK.

Running our Mental Health and Money Advice service.

Providing access to information, such as our mental health information guides.