Thanks for choosing to donate to Mental Health UK
We know that stopping smoking positively impacts on our physical and mental health. Our partnership with Johnson & Johnson, the makers of Nicorette, will help communities to make quitting less of a stressful journey. By donating today, you’ll help us to be there for more people on their route to becoming smoke-free.

Choose how you'd like to donate:

£5 could help us to update our online advice and information hub with essential information to help people to understand and manage their mental health

£10 could allow 25 people to access the Mental Health & Money Advice website to help them improve their financial situation and mental health.

£30 could enable someone receive an hour-long appointment with a specialist adviser to get tailored information, advice and support for their mental health and money problems
How much would you like to donate?

£3 a month could help more people to access resources and information on our website.

£5 a month could help us deliver training to seven people to help them understand and manage their mental health

£7 a month could help two people be part of a peer support group for eight months, offering them acceptance and reassurance
How much would you like to donate monthly?
What your money can do
As well helping us to run Clic, our online support community, your money could be put to use in so many life-changing ways

Improving access to support groups across the UK.

Running our Mental Health and Money Advice service.

Providing access to information, such as our mental health information guides.
Johnson & Johnson Limited will donate £75,000 to Mental Health UK (1170815) in relation to the 2022 Nicorette x Mental Health UK charitable campaign. UK-NI-2200273. Mental Health UK does not endorse particular drugs or treatments.