Workplace mental health

See how we can help

Our Workplace Mental Health team works with organisations of various sizes to help them create psychologically safe workplaces that prioritise wellbeing.

Our Workplace Mental Health team is here to support and guide your organisation in building a culture at work that encourages and promotes both understanding and management of mental health.

We know no two workplaces are the same, which is why our programmes including mental health training and mental health champions are delivered uniquely to your needs to equip colleagues with the knowledge and tools they need to support both their own, and their team’s mental health at work.

What we do

Therapeutic Coaching

Four in five small business owners tell us they’re experiencing poor mental health. Therapeutic coaching is an innovative blend of counselling and coaching designed to help you to reach your potential as a small business owner or leader whilst considering the impact on your mental health. Our coaches are qualified with a background in mental health support so are uniquely placed to help you work through any challenges you may be facing.

Facilitated Group Peer Support

Support employees in high-stress roles or supportive roles with regular group sessions with our trained therapists. Our facilitated sessions provide a safe and welcoming environment for colleagues to chat in small groups and receive tools and knowledge to equip them for the future.

Mental health training

Mental health training at work should be viewed as equal to first-aid training. Our dedicated training team can support colleagues in understanding mental health conditions and equipping them with tools and guidance to support their wellbeing at work.

Learn more

Contact the Workplace Mental Health and Training team

Phone us

03332 225 878

Burnout in the workplace

Our Burnout Report 2025 highlights many workers feel unsupported, with a significant proportion feeling their managers lack the skills to support them.

Mental Health UK delivers a comprehensive range of training courses and solutions to ensure workplaces empower leaders to support the mental health and wellbeing of their workforce.

  • Mental Health for Managers: trains leaders in empathic communication to create an open and resilient environment for your workplace to thrive.
  • Mental Health Awareness: helps people recognise the signs of burnout, enabling prompt intervention which improves employee wellbeing and productivity.
  • Wellbeing Champions training: can also significantly enhance workplace culture and transforms forward-thinking workplaces.
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Downloadable Resources

Talking about mental health at work

If a colleague appeared unwell physically, you’d likely check in on them. Approaching someone about their mental health should be just as routine. Find out more about how to talk about mental health in the workplace.

Managing stress and building resilience

Our guide on managing stress in the workplace is a great tool for employees to analyse their individual triggers for poor-mental health and stress. This short guide shares practical tips on how to cope with stress, and also how to support your team as a manager.

Create a wellbeing plan

Engage with this activity that gets you thinking about what components make up good mental health for you, and what the early-warning signs are that you might be struggling. Perfect for colleagues to complete in their own time and refer back to.

Stress bucket activity

Healthy levels of stress can help push us, but sometimes it makes us feel like we can’t do anything at all. This simple tool helps us to think about ways we can release stress.

Conversation Guide: talking to someone about mental health

It can be difficult to know to open a conversation with someone about mental health. Our guide provides tips on the best environment and ways to initiate a chat. We also have a mobile-friendly and printer-friendly version.

5 steps to wellbeing

Basic areas of our lifestyle can effect how we feel daily. Our wellbeing guide gives an insight into key areas of our life such as sleep and work and provides tips on how to better manage these areas to promote better mental health.

Who we've helped

Mental Health UK have a range of experience working with businesess of varying size to improve their workplace mental health. Find out more about the impact of our work, including what we did to support Lloyds Banking Group.