How to pay in fundraising

If you’ve been part of a fundraising event there are several ways you can pay in your collection. Big or small, the money you raise helps people affected by poor mental health.

Thank you for supporting Mental Health UK with your fundraising. There are three easy ways to pay in the money you’ve collected.

Please choose one of the below options

1. Send a bank transfer

To send a secure bank transfer please use the following details:

Sort code : 010931

Account number : 59428945

Account name : Mental Health UK

Reference: Your name and postcode

Please check you have entered the details correctly before clicking transfer

2. Send a cheque

Please make cheques payable to Mental Health UK and post them to:

Mental Health UK
28 Albert Embankment

3. Pay the money in online

You can pay money in directly using your credit or debit card by clicking the button below and filling out the form.

Pay in online