Teacher instructions for administering pupil surveys
Information for teachers administering surveys about Bloom to young people
As one of the teachers delivering Bloom, we would like your help in ensuring that all the young people participating in the programme at your school have the opportunity to share their views about the Bloom programme. We would like to invite all young people that participated in Bloom at your school to complete a survey.
This page outlines the information you will need to access and share the survey with your students. Please print off this page and keep it with you throughout this school year:
- We will survey the young people participating in Bloom at two points in time:
- during the first session of the programme; and
- during the last session of the programme
- At each of these time points, we will email you a link to the young people’s survey for you to share with your students
- Please ensure that each young person has access to a computer or mobile device on which they can complete the survey by either:
- emailing the survey link to each Bloom participant, or
- opening the link from your email onto separate devices, or
- writing the link on a board for the young people to copy into their own devices.
- During the first Bloom session, please allocate about 10 minutes for young people to complete the survey, before you deliver the content. It is really important that the young people complete the first survey before delivery commences as we want to measure change over time.
- If any young people join Bloom after the first week of the programme, we would like them to complete the survey before they participate in their first session, using the same survey link their peers would have used at the beginning of the programme (e.g. the first email you receive with the survey link).
- Please keep a list of the young people participating in Bloom at your school, as we will ask for your help to survey them again after the end of the programme.
If you have any questions about administering the surveys to young people at your school, please contact your designated Bloom Associate.
If you wish to view the pupil survey before sharing it with your students, please do not click submit at the end or your responses will be included in the final analysis.