Blooming brilliant teachers go the extra mile at Northampton International Academy

Following an Ofsted inspection in March 2022, Northampton International Academy in England decided to enhance their students’ wellbeing and personal development through Bloom.


The academy hoped Bloom would empower students to build resilience whilst equipping staff to confidently support students’ mental health. 14 staff members were trained in Bloom and then a core group of 4 trained staff joined Kate Houghton, Bloom Training Associate, delivering sessions to a select group of students.

Justin Caulfield, Year 10 Pastoral Lead, observed that “poor mental health is a barrier to learning. Being trained to deliver Bloom will give teachers another way of helping young people who struggle with stress and anxiety within the school setting. Co-delivery gives facilitators the confidence to be able to deliver a subject that is new to them. It takes pressure off the teachers as they are not alone in the delivery of the class.” Kate affirmed:

"Often Bloom workshops are the first step on the road to creating a more supportive mental health culture within in educational settings. Equipping staff with greater understanding and empowering them with tools to support their students’ mental health, in turn reassures students who become increasingly confident and likely to seek support."

– Kate Houghton, Bloom Training Associate

Justin concluded:

“I would recommend the programme to other organisations. The Bloom training has certainly helped our learners gain some confidence in tackling the upcoming exams. Going forward, I believe that Bloom will help many learners and have a positive impact.”

– Justin Caulfield, Year 10 Pastoral Lead, Northampton International Academy

To learn more about the work our Bloom team do across the UK, download our full impact report here.

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