Category: Help and Advice

Looking after children and yourself whilst working
1st August 2024
It’s that time of year again — the sun is out, and school has finished for another academic year. But if you are a parent — whether you work in the office, hybrid, or you from home — the summer holidays might be overwhelming.

Looming pressure on parents to spend as summer holidays approach
23rd July 2024
Feedback from Mental Health UK’s Me & Money pilot programme, which launched last year, shows that young people are experiencing additional strain on their relationship with their parents/carers because of money in the approach to the school holidays.

Discussing menopause in the workplace
22nd February 2024
In the UK, nearly 5 million cisgender women aged 50 and over are in employment – it is the fastest-growing demographic group of workers. This age group is the most likely to be affected by menopausal symptoms, so employers need to ensure they are supporting this group of their workforce. Talking openly with your employer can be an important first step towards being better supported at work.

How RAAC school closures are adding to the mental health crisis in modern-day Britain
11th October 2023
Like many parents, I was looking forward to my children returning to school after the long summer holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and love spending time with them. However, for the optimum balance of a happy home environment and my ability to do my job, a return to school was the order of the day. My kids too needed to get back into the daily schedule school brings; the social engagement of seeing all their friends again is a hugely positive thing and obviously they need to learn.

What to do if your child’s school is affected by the RAAC concrete closures?
6th September 2023
After the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents hoped the days of remote learning were behind them and their children. However, recent news that over 100 schools have been forced to suddenly close due to safety fears over concrete has forced some pupils in England and Wales to start their school terms online or in temporary facilities.

New service launched to support people living with mental health conditions back into work
17th August 2023
Thanks to our ongoing partnership with Bank of America, we are delivering a new service called Into Work in London, Kent and North Wales, supporting people to make positive change and enter employment.

What is climate anxiety and what can we do about it?
26th May 2023
If news reports of rising temperatures, melting ice caps, or forest fires fill you with dread and anxiety, you aren’t alone. You might be experiencing ‘climate anxiety’, and while it is a relatively new term, it’s on the rise and particularly affects young people.

Why Christmas isn’t easy for everyone and how to cope
12th December 2022
Christmas is the time of year when we’re expected to be our merriest and most joyful. There are friends and family to see, and a wealth of opportunities to have fun and let loose. For some of us, our reality during the festivities is far from this. It can be a stressful time of year with family duties, financial strain, pressure to keep to traditions and tricky logistics. It can also bring up some difficult emotional experiences, such as trauma and grief. So, how can we navigate these challenges and protect our mental health?

How to protect your mental health and cope as we head into winter
15th November 2022
Although the wintertime can be a time for celebration, festivities, and socialising, for many people it can also induce feelings of loneliness, stress, and anxiety. With our physical environment also changing around us, with shorter days and less sunlight, we might need to take extra care to monitor our mental health over these colder months.
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Just £10 could allow 25 people to access the Mental Health & Money Advice website to help them improve their financial and mental health.
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