Time To Talk Day 2018

It’s easy to think there’s no right place to talk about mental health. But the more we talk about it, the better life is for all of us.

Too many people with mental health problems are made to feel isolated, worthless and ashamed. Time to Talk Day is a chance for all of us to be more open about mental health – to talk, to listen, to change lives.

There’s no right or wrong way to get involved – every conversation about mental health helps to make it a normal subject for people to talk about.

Too often, it’s left to people with mental health problems to talk about mental health. It’s treated as a taboo subject – something to only be spoken about in quiet corners. But mental health affects us all, and everyone should feel able to talk about it.

That’s why, for Time to Talk Day 2018, we want to spread the word that wherever you are, any place can be the right space to talk about mental health.

Find out more at Time to Change.

Your donation will make the difference

Just £10 could allow 25 people to access the Mental Health & Money Advice website to help them improve their financial and mental health.

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